Staff Science Questionnaire

Reception - Year 6
Staff Science Questionnaire

Science Resource Description

AI generated

The Staff Science Questionnaire is a self-assessment tool designed for educators to reflect on their proficiency and confidence in teaching the Science curriculum. It consists of a series of statements that teachers are asked to rate on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating strong disagreement and 5 indicating strong agreement. The statements cover a range of competencies, such as knowledge of the Science curriculum for the teacher's specific year group, confidence in subject knowledge, understanding of the 'working scientifically' requirements of the National Curriculum, and awareness of pupils' prior and future learning.

Further statements address the teacher's ability to identify the 'Expected Standard' in Science for their year group, the flexibility they allow for pupils to explore their own scientific questions, the encouragement of using scientific vocabulary, the integration of Science with other subjects like English and Maths, the use of ICT equipment in lessons, and the level of support in terms of resources and training. Additionally, the questionnaire prompts teachers to identify the strengths ('Plus points') and areas for improvement ('Improvement points') in their own practice and within the school as a whole, fostering a culture of continuous development in the teaching of Science.