The Human Life Cycle - Human Life Stages

Year 5
The Human Life Cycle - Human Life Stages
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The human life cycle is divided into distinct stages, each representing a different phase of growth and development that an individual typically experiences. It's important to note that these stages are approximations, as every person is unique and may transition from one stage to another at varying ages. The cycle begins before birth with the foetus stage, which lasts for approximately 9 months. After birth, a person enters the infant stage, which spans from birth up to 2 years old, followed by the toddler stage from 2 to 5 years. These early years are crucial for physical and cognitive development.

As children grow, they move into the child stage from around 6 to 11 years old, where they continue to develop socially and intellectually. Adolescence follows, with girls typically entering this stage between 10 to 15 years and boys from 11 to 17 years, marked by significant emotional and physical changes. The adult stage covers the years from 18 to 45, where individuals often focus on career, relationships, and possibly starting their own families. Middle age spans from 46 to 64 years, a period of continued personal and professional growth. Finally, the later stages of life include the pensioner stage from 65 to 75 years and the elderly stage at 76 years and above, where individuals may retire and experience the gradual slowing of physical capabilities.