How Sounds Travel - Results Tables

Year 4
How Sounds Travel - Results Tables

Science Resource Description

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The exploration of how sound travels through different mediums is a fascinating subject, and this series of results tables provides a structured approach to documenting observations and findings. One table focuses on the properties of sound as it travels through a liquid, with columns dedicated to recording the frequency in hertz (Hz), the corresponding musical note, and any observations made during the experiment. This allows for a detailed analysis of the characteristics of sound waves in liquid environments.

Another table delves into the transmission of sound through solids, prompting the experimenter to note whether the sound can be heard with or without ear plugs for various items such as a table, chair, carpet, and other materials. This comparison helps to understand the impact of solid materials on the audibility of sound. Additionally, the tables include an investigation into the energy of different tuning forks, with columns for frequency, musical note, the number of swings, and the furthest distance in centimeters that the sound can travel. This examination aids in determining the relationship between the frequency of a tuning fork and the energy it imparts to the surrounding medium.