Ship Building - Self Assessment

Year 2
Ship Building - Self Assessment
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The self-assessment in question is centred around the understanding of materials and their properties in the context of shipbuilding. It encourages students to reflect on two key competencies: first, the ability to describe various properties of materials, and second, the ability to connect these properties to why a material may be suitable for a specific purpose, such as the construction of a ship. The assessment is iterative, asking students to repeatedly consider these competencies and seek feedback from their teacher on their understanding.

In this reflective exercise, students are prompted to identify characteristics of materials such as strength, flexibility, buoyancy, and durability. They are then tasked with reasoning why these properties make certain materials ideal for shipbuilding. For instance, understanding why a material that is both strong and waterproof is preferable for the hull of a ship. The self-assessment is designed to foster critical thinking and to help students make informed choices about material selection in practical applications. The repeated structure of the assessment emphasizes the continuous nature of learning and the importance of teacher feedback in the educational process.