Hygiene - Presentation

Year 2
Hygiene - Presentation
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The educational material presented here is centred around the theme of hygiene, specifically tailored for a biology lesson on animals including humans. It aims to engage students with interactive questions and activities that highlight the significance of hygiene practices. The lesson objectives are clearly outlined, prompting students to identify microorganisms that cause illness, suggest hygienic practices, and understand the importance of maintaining hygiene. The content includes a video demonstration on the correct method of handwashing, emphasizing the duration and frequency required to effectively remove dirt and minimise the risk of spreading germs.

Further exploration into how germs spread is conducted through discussions around sneezing and skin contact. Students are encouraged to consider the mechanics of sneeze droplets dispersing germs and the role of handwashing in preventing germ transmission. The lesson also demystifies the concept that germs are not fond of soap, explaining how soap removes oils and germs from the skin. The importance of handwashing is underscored by comparing its effectiveness against using hand sanitiser or water alone. Additionally, the resource includes an assembly PowerPoint presentation that educates about different types of germs, such as bacteria and viruses, and the impact they have on health. Finally, students are tasked with creating hygiene posters for their school, reinforcing the lesson's key messages and applying their knowledge in a practical and creative way.