Dead or Alive - Alive Dead OR Never Alive

Year 2
Dead or Alive - Alive Dead OR Never Alive
AI generated

Understanding the difference between things that are alive, dead, or have never been alive is crucial in biology and helps us to categorize items based on their characteristics and life status. Living things are those that exhibit the characteristics of life such as growth, reproduction, and the ability to respond to their environment. When a living thing no longer shows these signs, it is considered dead. Items that have never been alive do not possess these characteristics and are typically inanimate objects.

In the provided list, we can categorize the items as follows:

  • Alive: Frog, Tree, Parrots, Flowers, Sheep
  • Dead: Wool (since it comes from sheep but is no longer living), Roast chicken (it was once part of a living chicken)
  • Never Alive: Cups, Vase, Keys
It's important to note that 'wool' could be considered 'never alive' by some as it is a product of a living animal, much like hair or nails, and not alive in itself. However, for the purpose of this exercise and considering its origin, it is categorised as 'dead'.