Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Review of measuring volume

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Review of measuring volume
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 5 mathematics review session, students revisit the units used to measure mass, refreshing their memory on the use of grams (g) and kilograms (kg). This foundational knowledge is crucial as they move onto practical applications. The activity provided encourages pupils to apply their understanding by selecting the appropriate unit of measurement for various items. For instance, they must decide whether a spoonful of sugar or a sack of rice, a bicycle, and a hand-sized stone should be measured in grams or kilograms. This exercise helps to reinforce the concept of scale and the relevance of each unit in everyday contexts.

Similarly, the review of measuring volume brings students back to the units of volume, namely millilitres (ml) and litres (l). Through a series of practical scenarios, learners are tasked with choosing the correct unit to measure different volumes. They consider the volume of a glass of water, a full bucket, the amount of water used by a shower in 10 minutes, and the concentrate required to make one litre of cordial. These exercises are designed to help students grasp the practical use of volume measurements in real-life situations. For further practice and detailed examples, students are directed to their workbook, specifically page 189 to 201.