Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Word problems (1)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Word problems (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In an engaging maths problem designed for Year 4 students, children are presented with a real-world scenario involving cooking. The problem asks students to calculate the number of eggs needed for a smaller batch of cupcakes. The original recipe requires 8 eggs to make 48 cupcakes, but the task is to find out how many eggs would be needed for just 12 cupcakes. To solve this, students are encouraged to use a bar model that visually represents the problem. By understanding that 48 cupcakes can be divided into four groups of 12, and knowing that 4 times 12 equals 48, students can deduce that each group of 12 cupcakes requires 2 eggs, as 4 times 2 equals 8.

Another practical application of maths is presented in the 'Let's Try It' section, where students are asked to calculate the total number of people that would fit in 4 minibuses if each minibus carries 18 people. This multiplication problem helps students apply their knowledge of times tables in a practical context. Following this, the problem extends to division, where students must figure out how many people would be in each of three equal groups after everyone disembarks from the minibuses. These word problems are designed to strengthen students' skills in both multiplication and division, while also helping them to visualise mathematical concepts in everyday situations.