Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Using a set square to find right angles (1)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Using a set square to find right angles (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In Year 3 maths, students learn to identify and work with right angles using a handy tool known as a set square. A set square is a triangular instrument with two sides that are perpendicular, meaning they meet at an exact 90-degree angle. This 90-degree angle is known as a right angle and is a fundamental concept in geometry. By understanding and recognising right angles, pupils can begin to explore the geometric properties of various shapes and objects around them.

During the lesson, children are encouraged to actively search for right angles within their classroom environment. They can use the set square to check corners in everyday objects like door frames, windows, and tables, which often incorporate right angles in their design. By placing the set square against these objects, students can see if the edges align perfectly with the sides of the set square, thus indicating the presence of a right angle. This practical activity not only reinforces the concept of right angles but also helps children to become more aware of the geometry in the world around them. They are prompted to look for additional examples, turning the lesson into an engaging and interactive experience.