Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Word problems (2)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Word problems (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a practical application of division, Year 3 students encounter a word problem involving Toby and his 21 chocolates. Toby wishes to share these chocolates equally among his friends, giving each friend 3 chocolates. To visualise this scenario, students are encouraged to use counting blocks to represent the chocolates. By organising the blocks into groups of three, they can easily see how the chocolates are divided. After circling seven such groups, it becomes clear that Toby can share his chocolates with 7 friends, ensuring each friend receives an equal amount.

Another problem presents students with a scenario where 40 oranges are to be distributed equally among 5 children. To solve this, students might imagine laying out the oranges and grouping them into sets corresponding to the number of children. By dividing the oranges into 5 equal groups, it becomes evident that each group consists of 8 oranges. Therefore, each child would receive 8 oranges, demonstrating an equal share of the total. This exercise not only reinforces division concepts but also helps students grasp the practical application of sharing items equally in everyday situations.