Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Division and multiplication

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Division and multiplication
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In this engaging exercise from Max Maths for Year 3, students are encouraged to apply their multiplication and division skills using a multiplication table. The activity is designed to help children complete a series of number sentences by referring to the provided table, which lists the products of numbers 1 through 10 when multiplied by numbers 1 through 5. This visual aid supports the understanding of multiplication as repeated addition and division as the inverse process.

The worksheet presents a set of problems that require students to fill in the missing numbers in various multiplication and division equations. For example, in question (a), students are asked to confirm that 6 times 3 equals 18, and then find the missing multiplier that, when multiplied by 6, results in 24. They are also tasked with discovering the missing dividend in division equations, such as finding which number divided by 6 equals 3. Further questions challenge students to deduce missing factors in equations that result in products like 35 and 21, as well as to calculate the corresponding quotients in division problems. This exercise is a practical way to reinforce the relationship between multiplication and division and to enhance the pupils' numerical fluency.