Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Multiplying by 10 and doubling numbers mentally (1)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Multiplying by 10 and doubling numbers mentally (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 3 mathematics lesson, students are learning to multiply by 10 and double numbers in their heads, a key skill for mental arithmetic. The lesson uses a relatable and engaging context – chocolate bars – to illustrate the concept. The scenario presented is simple: Jade has 3 chocolate bars, and Tya has 5. Each chocolate bar contains 10 pieces. To determine how many pieces of chocolate each girl has, students are encouraged to multiply the number of chocolate bars by 10. Through this practical example, children learn that Jade has 30 pieces of chocolate (3 bars x 10 pieces) and Tya has 50 pieces (5 bars x 10 pieces).

The lesson aims to help students recognise patterns in multiplication, particularly when multiplying by 10. By observing the results of the multiplication, students can see a pattern where the number of chocolate bars corresponds to the number in the tens place of the final amount of pieces, making the process of multiplying by 10 more intuitive. This visual and hands-on approach facilitates a deeper understanding of the concept, enabling students to perform such calculations quickly and confidently in their heads. The lesson not only reinforces their multiplication skills but also encourages pattern recognition, a fundamental aspect of mathematical learning.