Max Maths, Year 3, Practice, Multiplying by teen numbers

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Practice, Multiplying by teen numbers
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 3 mathematics exercise from 'Max Maths', students are introduced to the concept of multiplying by teen numbers through a practical example involving pencils in a box. The 'Let's Try It' section presents a scenario where there are 17 pencils in one box, and students are asked to calculate the total number of pencils in three boxes. To visualise this, the exercise suggests using counting blocks to represent the number of pencils, arranging them in groups of 17 for each box, which totals to 51 when combined. The process is broken down into steps, starting with the multiplication of 3 by 17, then adding the groups of pencils together, and finally, representing the sum in terms of tens and ones to reach the answer of 51 pencils in three boxes.

The 'Let's Practise' section provides students with further multiplication problems to complete, allowing them to apply the skills learned from the example. Students are given a series of equations involving the multiplication of a teen number by another number, such as 12 times 4 or 32 times 3. The task requires them to calculate the products of these equations, reinforcing their understanding of multiplication and the concept of grouping in tens and ones. This practice helps solidify their numerical fluency and prepares them for more complex multiplication tasks in the future.