Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Sorting according to two criteria using Carroll diagrams

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Work Book, Sorting according to two criteria using Carroll diagrams
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 3 Workbook, students are provided with engaging exercises to develop their understanding of sorting numbers based on two criteria using Carroll diagrams. Practice 4 invites students to place the numbers 1 to 20 into a Carroll diagram with categories such as 'Multiple of 3' and 'Not a multiple of 3', as well as 'Multiple of 2' and 'Not a multiple of 2'. Another exercise challenges students to sort numbers greater than 10 and less than or equal to 10 into groups based on whether they are multiples of 5 or not. These activities help children to recognise patterns and categorise numbers according to different mathematical properties.

Another aspect of the workbook requires students to apply their knowledge to real-world data. They are tasked with sorting weather information for London in April using a Carroll diagram that distinguishes between 'Rain' and 'No rain', as well as temperatures that are 'Warmer than 10 °C' and 'Not warmer than 10 °C'. With this data, students answer questions about the number of days with certain weather conditions, such as how many days were warmer than 10 °C without rain, the number of dry days that were not warmer than 10 °C, the difference in days between rainy and not-rainy days, and which category was the most common. These exercises not only reinforce mathematical concepts but also introduce children to basic data analysis skills.