Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, 3D shapes (3)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, 3D shapes (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Year 3 curriculum of Max Maths, students explore the fascinating world of three-dimensional shapes, with a focus on understanding the properties of a triangular prism. A triangular prism is identified by its unique characteristics: it has two triangular faces at each end and three rectangular faces connecting them. This results in the shape having a total of five flat faces. Additionally, students learn that a triangular prism is defined by its nine edges and six vertices, which are the points where the edges meet. This knowledge helps children to visualise and comprehend the structure of the shape, enhancing their spatial awareness.

Another three-dimensional shape that Year 3 students encounter is the hexagonal prism. This shape is more complex, with a hexagon at each end and six rectangular faces joining them. The hexagonal prism stands out with its eight flat faces, providing a rich example of a multifaceted 3D shape. Moreover, students are taught to recognise that this prism has 18 edges and 12 vertices, which are key to understanding its geometric properties. Through these lessons, students gain a deeper appreciation of the diversity of shapes in the world around them and the mathematical vocabulary to describe them.