Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Reviewing and naming fractions

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Reviewing and naming fractions
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In this engaging activity from the Max Maths Year 3 curriculum, students are tasked with identifying and writing fractions that represent the coloured portions of various shapes. The exercise is designed to help children visually understand fractions and express them both numerically and in words. They are presented with a series of shapes, each with a certain area shaded, and their job is to determine what fraction of each shape is coloured. For example, they might see a circle that is half coloured and would write the fraction as 1/2 and spell it out as "one half."

The activity progresses through different fractions, such as thirds and other common fractions that are part of the Year 3 maths syllabus. This hands-on exercise not only reinforces the concept of fractions but also aids in the development of mathematical literacy by requiring the students to articulate fractions in written form. After completing the 'Let's Try It' section, students are directed to continue their practice and consolidation of knowledge by referring to workbook (WB) pages 66 to 71, ensuring they have ample opportunity to master the skill of recognising and naming fractions.