Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Angles (3)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Angles (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths' curriculum for Year 2, students are introduced to the concept of angles through engaging and interactive learning. In one of the exercises, they explore the idea of a complete turn by visualising the movement of a blue ice-cream stick as it rotates full circle. This hands-on approach helps children to understand that when an object turns all the way around, it creates what is known as a complete turn, which is a fundamental angle type in geometry.

Following the explanation, the 'Let's Try It' section encourages students to apply their newfound knowledge by examining various angles. They are tasked with identifying and labelling different types of turns: a quarter turn is labelled 'Q', a half turn 'H', and the complete turn 'C'. This activity not only reinforces their understanding of each angle but also aids in developing their ability to recognise and differentiate between the three types of turns. With clear instructions and visual examples, children can confidently learn and practice the basics of angles in a fun and interactive way.