Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Multiplication as an array

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Multiplication as an array
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In the 'Max Maths Year 2 Workbook', there is a section dedicated to understanding multiplication through the use of arrays. This method visualises multiplication as a series of rows and columns, helping children to see the connection between repeated addition and multiplication. Practice 2 in the workbook invites students to write down multiplication sentences that correspond to different arrays presented. These arrays are laid out in various configurations, representing different multiplication facts.

For each array, the students are tasked with identifying how many rows and columns there are, and then writing this information as a multiplication sentence. For example, if an array has 3 rows with 4 items in each row, the multiplication sentence would be 3 × 4 = 12. This activity provides a hands-on approach to multiplication, reinforcing the concept that multiplication is not just about memorising tables, but also about understanding the structure and quantity within a group. The workbook offers several arrays for the students to practice with, helping them to become more confident and fluent in their multiplication skills.