Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Subtracting tens and hundreds

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Subtracting tens and hundreds
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book', students practice the essential skill of subtracting tens and hundreds through a variety of engaging exercises. Practice 2 focuses on subtracting tens and hundreds using visual aids such as beads and counters. For instance, students are asked to cross out the appropriate number of beads to solve subtraction sentences like 62 minus 10 and 76 minus 20. This visual approach helps to concretise the concept of subtraction by allowing students to see the process of removing groups of ten or a hundred from a given number.

The workbook progresses to more challenging tasks where students subtract 10 or 100 from a sequence of numbers three times. For example, they start with the number 68 and repeatedly subtract 10 to see the number decrease incrementally. This repetitive practice reinforces their understanding of the subtraction process and the base-ten number system. Additionally, there are matching exercises where students pair subtraction sentences with their correct answers, further testing their comprehension of the material. The workbook culminates with fill-in-the-blank questions, where students demonstrate their ability to subtract tens and hundreds from larger numbers, showcasing their growing proficiency in basic arithmetic.