Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Ordinal numbers to 50

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Ordinal numbers to 50
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 2 curriculum, students are encouraged to explore ordinal numbers up to 50. The lesson involves examining a comprehensive table that lists ordinal numbers alongside their word forms, ranging from '11th' (eleventh) to '50th' (fiftieth). Through this exercise, children are prompted to identify and understand patterns that emerge within the sequence of ordinal numbers and their corresponding terms.

One noticeable pattern is that the ordinal numbers from 21st to 29th, and similarly from 31st to 39th, combine the cardinal number (e.g., twenty or thirty) with the ordinal suffix (e.g., '-first' for 21st or '-second' for 22nd). Another pattern is that the suffixes '-th', '-st', '-nd', and '-rd' are consistently used to indicate the position in a sequence; for instance, '-st' is used for numbers ending in 1 (like 21st, thirty-first), '-nd' for numbers ending in 2 (like 22nd, thirty-second), and '-rd' for numbers ending in 3 (like 23rd, thirty-third). The rest predominantly end with '-th'. These patterns help children grasp the systematic nature of forming ordinal numbers and their spellings. For further practice and reinforcement, students are directed to workbook pages 24 and 25.