Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Comparing masses

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Learn together, Comparing masses
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths' Year 1 book, young learners are introduced to the concept of comparing masses through a series of engaging and interactive questions. The section begins with a simple comparison asking, "Who is heavier?" where children are presented with two individuals, Padma and Toby, and learn that Toby is heavier than Padma. This sets the foundation for understanding comparative terms related to weight. The next question shifts to the opposite end of the spectrum, prompting students to identify "Who is lighter?" between Samir and Han, with Han being the lighter of the two.

The learning continues with an exploration of whether two objects can have the same mass. The book uses a ball and a book as examples, teaching children that when an object is 'as heavy as' another, they indeed have the same mass. To delve deeper into practical application, the book suggests placing a toy car and Padma’s ball on a balance to discover which is heavier, fostering hands-on learning. The final exercise on the topic challenges students to rank fruits by weight. They determine that the apple is the lightest when compared to the heavier pineapple and pumpkin, while the pumpkin is established as the heaviest among the three. This section of the book is crucial for helping children grasp the concepts of lightest and heaviest, building foundational skills in comparing and measuring mass.