Max Maths, Year 1, Work Book, Subtraction by counting back

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Work Book, Subtraction by counting back
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In the Max Maths Workbook for Year 1, young learners are introduced to the concept of subtraction by counting back. Practice 2 focuses on this method, presenting a series of engaging exercises that help students visualize and understand how to subtract numbers. For instance, one of the exercises starts with 8 keys, and students are asked to count back from 8 after 1 key is taken away. This visual and interactive approach is reinforced with the use of a number line ranging from 0 to 10, which aids in illustrating the subtraction process in a clear and simple manner.

Further exercises build on this foundation. Students are presented with scenarios such as having 8 eggs in a carton and then taking 3 eggs out. They are encouraged to use the number line to count back and find out how many eggs are left. Additional questions involve writing subtraction sentences based on everyday situations, such as the number of cookies left on a plate after some are eaten, or the number of oranges remaining after a cousin takes some. The workbook also includes activities where students have to match subtraction sentences to the correct number line and complete subtraction sentences using the count back method. These varied exercises ensure that students can practice and consolidate their understanding of subtraction by counting back in a fun and practical way.