Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Doubling and halving numbers

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Doubling and halving numbers
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 1 curriculum, there's a practical lesson on the concept of doubling and halving numbers. The lesson begins with an example involving 10 grapes. To find half of the grapes, students are encouraged to share them equally into two groups. By doing so, they discover that each group contains 5 grapes, demonstrating that half of 10 is indeed 5. Similarly, the lesson proceeds with 8 coins, which are also shared equally into two groups. With 4 coins in each group, students can see that half of 8 is 4. These real-world examples help to solidify the understanding of halving a number.

The "Let's Try It" section of the lesson invites students to apply their newly learned skills of doubling and halving with the help of tangible objects. They are tasked with halving the number 6 and then doubling the numbers 4 and 2. Additionally, they are asked to halve the number 12 and double the number 6. This hands-on activity not only reinforces their understanding but also makes learning maths fun and engaging. To continue practicing these skills, students are directed to workbook pages 97 to 99, where they can find more exercises and problems to solve, further enhancing their proficiency in doubling and halving numbers.