World War 2 - Why did it start? - Writing task

Year 6
World War 2 - Why did it start? - Writing task
Focus Education
Focus Education
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World War Two remains one of the most significant events in modern history, with its impact leaving indelible marks on Britain and the world at large. The war not only reshaped global power structures but also brought about profound social and economic changes within Britain. The country faced widespread destruction due to the Blitz, rationing of food and resources became the norm, and there was a significant loss of life. Additionally, the war effort galvanised the population, leading to advancements in technology and women taking on roles traditionally held by men, which in turn contributed to the furtherance of women's rights and the eventual establishment of the welfare state post-war.

The genesis of World War Two is a complex interplay of political, economic, and social factors, with Adolf Hitler's aggressive expansionist policies playing a pivotal role. The war began when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, a move that was driven by Hitler's desire for territorial expansion and the rectification of perceived injustices following the Treaty of Versailles. His actions set off a chain reaction, with Britain and France declaring war on Germany in response to its violation of Polish sovereignty. This marked the beginning of a conflict that would engulf the world for six years, leading to unprecedented devastation and the redrawing of international borders.