Why did World War 2 start and what part did Hitler have in it? - Presentation

Year 6
Why did World War 2 start and what part did Hitler have in it? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The curriculum for Year 6 history delves into the profound effects of World War 2 on Britain, exploring the reasons behind its inception and Adolf Hitler's significant involvement. Pupils are expected to develop a comprehensive understanding of the historical context, including the timeline of events leading up to the war, the role of key figures such as Hitler and Churchill, and the alliances formed by various countries. The educational material encourages students to consider the impact of the war on ordinary citizens, with a focus on Britain's experience. Through the study of this tumultuous period, students will enhance their chronological knowledge and learn to utilise historical terms accurately.

Building upon their existing knowledge, students will engage in a range of activities designed to deepen their understanding of World War 2's causation and chronology. They will use timelines to place significant events in context, examine a variety of evidence to conduct historical enquiries, and analyse interpretations of the past. The curriculum also places emphasis on the importance of propaganda and censorship during the war. By exploring these historical concepts, students will develop the ability to form their own opinions on historical events, supported by evidence from a variety of sources. The programme aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of World War 2's impact on Britain, fostering a nuanced understanding of the period in young learners.