Give me 3 - Things the Romans did for Britain

Year 4
Give me 3 - Things the Romans did for Britain
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The Romans introduced a multitude of advancements to Britain that significantly altered the landscape and the way of life for its inhabitants. Firstly, they brought with them their expertise in road construction, creating a network of durable, straight roads that connected various parts of the country. This facilitated trade, military movement, and communication, and many of these routes are still in use today as the basis for modern roads. Secondly, the Romans were renowned for their sophisticated engineering and introduced the concept of aqueducts and complex plumbing systems to Britain. This innovation greatly improved sanitation and public health by providing fresh water and removing waste more efficiently.

Thirdly, the Romans were instrumental in the development of urban centres in Britain. They established towns and cities with a structured layout, complete with forums, temples, and bathhouses. These urban centres became hubs of economic, social, and administrative activity, laying the groundwork for the bustling towns and cities we know in Britain today. In addition to these three key contributions, the Roman occupation brought about significant cultural and technological changes, influencing the architecture, language, and governance systems that would shape Britain long after the end of the Roman era.