How do we know what life was like for the Victorians? - Teacher notes

Year 2
How do we know what life was like for the Victorians? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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Understanding the Victorian era is a journey into the past that relies heavily on disciplinary knowledge. Teachers are encouraged to delve into this historical period with their pupils by examining the various sources of information that provide insights into the lives of the Victorians. This exploration is not just about what information was present during the Victorian times but also about the absence of modern-day technologies such as television and social media, which shape our current understanding of events. Pupils are prompted to consider the nature of historical evidence and to recognise that the reliability of these sources can vary significantly.

The process of historical enquiry is further complicated by the potential issues associated with information that has been passed down through generations. Teachers guide pupils to critically assess the credibility of historical sources by discussing the potential for exaggeration, bias, censorship, and propaganda that could distort the true picture of the Victorian age. Through this critical examination, pupils learn not only about the significant impact of the Victorians on contemporary life but also about the complexities involved in piecing together history from the fragments that have survived over time.