Picture match - Parts of a castle

Year 1
Picture match - Parts of a castle
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In an educational resource about castles, students are introduced to the various parts that make up these formidable historical structures. The material outlines key components such as 'Battlements', which are the parapet with notches located at the top of the castle walls, allowing defenders to protect themselves while firing arrows or throwing projectiles. 'Arrow Loops' are narrow vertical slits in the walls through which archers could shoot arrows at attackers. The 'Bailey' refers to the courtyard inside the castle, often surrounded by a defensive wall. 'Barbican' is an external fortified gateway or outpost designed to protect the entrance to a castle or fortification.

Other crucial elements of castle architecture include the 'Portcullis', a heavy vertically-closing gate typically found at the entrance, made of wood or metal with sharp spikes at the bottom to deter enemies. A 'Moat' is a deep, wide ditch, sometimes filled with water, encircling the castle to provide additional defence against attackers. The 'Drawbridge' is a bridge over the moat which can be raised or lowered to allow or deny access. Lastly, the 'Tower' is a tall structure that serves both a defensive purpose and as a lookout point. These features illustrate the strategic design of castles to serve as fortified residences and protect against sieges. The resource encourages learners to consider why castles were built and to identify the special defensive features that characterize these impressive structures.