Show it! Group presentation - Victorians - Year 2

Year 2
Show it! Group presentation - Victorians - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In a Year 2 classroom exploring the era of the Victorians, students are encouraged to delve into the significant impact of Victorian times on modern life. Towards the end of their learning journey, they are given the chance to showcase their newfound knowledge to their peers. This presentation can take many forms, ensuring that children can express their understanding in a way that resonates with them and their classmates. One effective method is for teachers to compile a PowerPoint presentation that encapsulates the ongoing learning, allowing the class to visually engage with the material.

The children are also prompted to actively participate by creating their own presentations. They may focus on a particular facet of Victorian life, especially how it relates to the lives of children during that period. This exercise not only reinforces their learning but also hones their public speaking and presentation skills. A student might begin their presentation with a greeting such as "Good Morning," followed by an introduction to the topic they have researched, for example, "I would like to tell you about…" This interactive approach, termed "SHOW IT," is an integral part of the learning process, enabling children to confidently communicate their insights on the enduring influence of the Victorians on contemporary society.