Knowledge organiser - Famous people and events - Year 2

Printables & Templates
Year 2
Whole School
Knowledge organiser - Famous people and events - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education
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This Year 2 Knowledge Organiser provides a concise summary of famous people and events that have had a significant impact on the world. It introduces key vocabulary and figures such as Rosa Parks, who made a stand against racism by refusing to give up her seat on a bus in 1913, and Nelson Mandela, renowned for his fight for equality and against racial discrimination. The Titanic is mentioned as a monumental ship that tragically sank on its maiden voyage, while Mother Teresa is celebrated for her extensive humanitarian work, particularly with children in India. Leonardo da Vinci is acknowledged not only as a master painter, known for the iconic 'The Mona Lisa', but also as a scientist. Walt Disney, born in 1901, is recognized for creating the beloved Disney cartoons and films that continue to entertain audiences worldwide.

The key knowledge section of the organiser aims to educate Year 2 students about the importance of understanding the influence of internationally famous individuals and events. It highlights the need to know the historical context of these figures, including when and where they lived, and the distinction between being well known and achieving international fame. Additionally, it touches on the significance of learning about past events that are still discussed today and recognising individuals who made sacrifices to improve the lives of others. This organiser sets the foundation for learning about the main theme: famous people or events in history, building upon prior knowledge to deepen the students' understanding of how the past shapes our present and future.