Link it! Prior knowledge - Fairtrade - Year 5

Year 5
Link it! Prior knowledge - Fairtrade - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
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When preparing to delve into the concept of Fairtrade with Year 5 students, it is important to first assess their prior knowledge on the subject. Most children will be aware that not all the food we consume is grown locally, and many will understand that certain fruits and vegetables are imported from countries with warmer climates. Some children might have even noticed labels on products indicating that they originate from abroad. To document their existing understanding, children are encouraged to record what they already know about the topic in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser.

Understanding Fairtrade is crucial because it involves ethical considerations regarding the producers of the goods we consume. By focusing on prior knowledge, educators can draw connections within the same subject, such as economic geography or global trade patterns. They can also link it to other subjects like ethics in religious education or sustainability in science. Personal experiences, such as noticing Fairtrade labels while shopping or discussing where food comes from at home, can also provide valuable context. This approach helps to create a comprehensive learning experience that highlights the importance of Fairtrade and its impact on producers and consumers worldwide.