3D Shapes - PowerPoint

Year 1
3D Shapes - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Exploring the world of geometry, Year 1 students are introduced to the concept of three-dimensional (3D) shapes through an engaging PowerPoint presentation. The presentation begins by distinguishing between 2D shapes, which are flat with no thickness, and 3D shapes, which are solid and have thickness. Students are encouraged to think about and identify various 3D shapes, leading to an interactive exercise where they match common 3D shapes—such as spheres, cylinders, cones, cubes, cuboids, and pyramids—to their corresponding names.

The learning continues with a series of worksheets that reinforce the identification and naming of 3D shapes. One worksheet prompts students to draw lines connecting each 3D shape to its name, while another asks them to count and record the number of different 3D shapes present in a model. Additionally, students are challenged to recognise pyramids with different base shapes such as triangles, squares, and pentagons. Critical thinking is further developed through exercises where students must circle the odd one out among a group of shapes and explain their reasoning, enhancing their ability to compare and contrast geometric properties. Through these interactive and thought-provoking activities, young learners develop a foundational understanding of 3D shapes and their characteristics.

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