Quarters - PowerPoint

Year 1
Quarters - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a set of teaching resources aimed at Year 1 students, the concept of quarters as a part of learning about fractions is introduced. A fraction is explained as an equal part of one whole, which could be an object, a shape, or a number. The materials use familiar examples, such as dividing a whole pizza into four equal parts, to illustrate the idea of quarters. Each of these parts is referred to as one quarter, and it is shown that four quarters make up the entire whole. The resources visually demonstrate that when a whole is divided into four equal parts, these are quarters, and when the parts are not equal, they do not constitute quarters.

The teaching resources further explain how to represent a quarter numerically, indicating that the bottom number of the fraction denotes how many equal parts the whole is divided into, while the top number specifies the number of parts being considered. Students are then challenged to identify shapes that are split into quarters, and they engage in activities that involve colouring shapes that are divided into quarters. Additionally, the concept of quarters is extended to groups of items, with an example of dividing eight flowers into four equal groups, thus each group representing a quarter of the whole. Worksheets are provided for students to practice these skills, including exercises where they must circle a quarter of the objects and complete sentences to demonstrate their understanding of the concept of quarters.