Taking Away Using a Number Line - PowerPoint

Year 1
Taking Away Using a Number Line - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a series of maths teaching resources aimed at Year 1 pupils, the focus is on mastering subtraction by using a number line. The lesson introduces the concept by explaining that a number line is a simple and effective tool for taking away one number from another. Pupils are encouraged to practice this skill by starting at the first number in a subtraction problem and counting backwards by the value of the second number. This method provides a visual aid that helps students understand the process of subtraction and retain the concept more effectively.

The lesson includes a variety of take away problems where pupils can apply their newly learned skill of using a number line for subtraction. They are presented with problems such as "5 – 3 = 2" and "8 – 2 = 6", and are guided through the steps of solving these by counting backwards on the number line. To reinforce learning, worksheets with additional subtraction problems are provided, allowing students to practice independently. Answers to the worksheet problems are also supplied, enabling both self-assessment and teacher evaluation of pupil progress. The use of a number line as a subtractive tool is positioned as an essential maths skill for young learners.

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