Number Sequence Cars - PowerPoint

Year 2
Number Sequence Cars - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In an engaging PowerPoint presentation designed for Year 2 students, the concept of number sequences is explored with a focus on identifying and continuing patterns. The presentation sets the scene by asking what the children will learn, which is to recognise number patterns and determine the subsequent numbers in a sequence. It then defines a number sequence as a list of numbers following a specific pattern, for example, an increasing sequence where each number increments by 2. The children are tasked with determining the next number in such sequences, encouraging them to apply their understanding of addition and subtraction.

The presentation is interactive and prompts the children to actively participate by spotting the pattern in various sequences presented on the slides. The sequences may increase or decrease, and the children are challenged to work out what number comes next based on the identified pattern. To consolidate their learning, the children are provided with worksheets where they complete a series of number sequences, such as sequences that ascend by increments of 5 or descend by 2. This hands-on activity not only reinforces their number and place value skills but also introduces them to the foundational concept of sequences in mathematics.

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