Introducing Pathetic Fallacy - Worksheet

Year 5 - Year 6
Introducing Pathetic Fallacy - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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Pathetic fallacy is an engaging literary device taught in English lessons, where the environment or weather in a narrative reflects the emotional mood of the characters or the atmosphere of the story. A worksheet designed to introduce this concept asks students to craft sentences that embody pathetic fallacy for different weather conditions. The task involves using a common sentence starter, "The old man stepped out of the door…", and expanding on it to create four distinct sentences that personify each type of weather: sunny, rainy, stormy, and foggy.

The exercise aims to enhance students' creative writing skills by encouraging them to draw vivid connections between the character's feelings and the surrounding environment. For instance, they might write, "The old man stepped out of the door into the sunny embrace of the day, feeling a renewed sense of hope," to convey a positive mood through sunny weather, or "The old man stepped out of the door as the stormy skies raged, mirroring his inner turmoil," to express a character's conflict through a storm. By completing this worksheet, students learn to use pathetic fallacy to add depth and emotion to their writing, creating a more immersive and powerful narrative experience.

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