Word Families - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Word Families - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

AI generated

The concept of word families is a crucial element of vocabulary development for Year 3 and 4 students, focusing on the recognition of common prefixes and the meanings they impart to different words. For instance, the prefix 'mono-' denotes singularity, as seen in words like 'monocle' (a single eyeglass), 'monopoly' (exclusive control over a service or trade), 'monotonous' (lacking variety or interest), 'monologue' (a speech by one person), and 'monochrome' (shades of only one colour). These words are considered a family because they all share the same prefix that suggests a theme of 'one' or 'single'.

Similarly, the prefix 'bi-' indicates the number two, which is evident in words such as 'bicycle' (a two-wheeled vehicle), 'biweekly' (occurring every two weeks), 'binary' (composed of two parts), 'bilingual' (speaking two languages fluently), 'bisect' (to divide into two parts), and 'binoculars' (an optical device with a lens for each eye). Worksheets accompanying the lesson plan invite students to match words to their definitions, identify word families, and explore the commonalities within these groups. Through these exercises, students learn that prefixes like 'tri-' and 're-' also signify numbers (three) and repetition (again), respectively, thus enhancing their understanding of how word families are formed and the meanings they convey.