Room on the Broom - Additional Activities - Design a Book Cover

Year 1 - Year 2
Room on the Broom - Additional Activities - Design a Book Cover
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Delve into the world of creativity and literature with the engaging task of designing a new book cover for the enchanting children's story, 'Room on the Broom'. This artistic challenge calls for young designers to showcase their understanding and interpretation of the narrative by crafting a captivating front illustration that will draw readers into the magical tale. It's important to remember to prominently display the title and the author's name on the front cover, ensuring that these essential elements are the first things a prospective reader will see.

On the back cover, the task continues with a requirement to compose a concise summary of the story. This summary should be a few sentences long, providing a tantalizing glimpse into the plot and characters without giving away too much. It's a chance to entice readers and give them a hint of the adventure that awaits them within the pages. This additional activity not only fosters a deeper connection with the story but also encourages the development of summarization and design skills, making it an enriching experience for students engaged in English learning.