The 'sh' Sound - Phonics PowerPoint Lesson with Worksheets - Worksheet

The 'sh' Sound - Phonics PowerPoint Lesson with Worksheets - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Designed to help children master the 'sh' sound, a collection of worksheets is available that offers a variety of activities for young learners. The first worksheet invites students to identify and circle pictures that either begin or end with the 'sh' sound, enhancing their ability to recognise the sound at different positions in words. This visual exercise is a fun and interactive way for children to connect images with phonetic sounds, reinforcing their phonics knowledge.

The second worksheet takes an engaging approach to spelling and association skills. Children are tasked with completing words with the missing 'sh' sound and then drawing lines to match these words to the corresponding pictures, which helps in cementing their understanding of the sound within words. The third worksheet provides a word search puzzle filled with 'sh' sound words, allowing students to find and recognise the target phoneme in a playful context. Additionally, they are encouraged to use two of the words found in the puzzle to construct sentences, offering an opportunity to apply their phonics skills in writing. The worksheets are thoughtfully crafted to build phonemic awareness and to support children in their journey to become proficient readers and writers.

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