Making Words - PowerPoint

Making Words - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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An interactive PowerPoint presentation from serves as a valuable resource for teaching English spelling. The presentation is designed to help students practise and improve their spelling skills in an engaging manner. It begins by asking students to identify individual sounds in a word and match them with the corresponding letters. For example, students are shown the word 'hug' and are prompted to think about the first, middle, and last sounds, encouraging them to recognise the phonetic components that make up the word.

The PowerPoint progresses by guiding students through the process of blending sounds to form words such as 'cat', where they identify each phoneme and the letter it represents. The interactive element comes into play as students are invited to spell words by clicking on letters and moving them to their correct positions within a word. This hands-on approach not only reinforces their understanding of word formation but also makes the learning process more dynamic. After the spelling activities, students are encouraged to consolidate their learning by completing a worksheet that challenges them to spell a variety of words, further embedding the skills practised during the lesson.

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