7 Times Tables -  Box It
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"Box It" is an engaging and educational game designed to help children practise their 7 times tables in a fun and interactive way. The game requires a few simple materials: a set of counters, a 'Multiples of 7' board, and a deck of cards numbered from 0 to 12. To start the game, players shuffle the cards and place them face down on the table. Taking turns, each player picks a card, multiplies the number by seven, and then covers the corresponding answer on the board with a counter. For example, if a player picks the card with the number 4, they would cover the number 28 on the board, since 4 times 7 equals 28.

The objective of the game is to be the first player to cover a specific pattern of numbers on the board. In the standard version of the game, the goal is to cover four numbers that form a 2 by 2 box. For a longer game, players can aim to cover six numbers in a 2 by 3 box. If a player picks a card and all the answers on the board for that number are already covered, they simply set the card aside and take another turn. This game not only reinforces multiplication skills but also encourages strategic thinking as players work towards completing the required box pattern to win. "Box It" is a versatile and enjoyable way for children to become more confident with their 7 times tables.