Inspired by: Mr Wolf and the Three Bears - Curriculum Objectives

Year 1
Inspired by: Mr Wolf and the Three Bears - Curriculum Objectives
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Year 1 pupils are immersed in a comprehensive literacy programme inspired by Jan Fearnley's "Mr Wolf and the Three Bears." The curriculum objectives focus on enhancing reading and writing skills through a variety of engaging activities. Pupils are taught to apply their phonics knowledge to decode words, swiftly associate graphemes with their corresponding sounds, and read unfamiliar words by blending sounds together. They tackle common exception words and learn to read words with a range of common suffixes. The programme also aims to foster a love for reading by having pupils listen to, discuss, and connect with a wide array of literature, including poems and traditional tales. They develop an understanding of these texts by making inferences, predicting outcomes, and discussing vocabulary.

In writing, pupils are encouraged to articulate their thoughts before composing sentences, which they then sequence to form short narratives. They learn to form letters and digits correctly, understand handwriting families, and write dictated sentences that incorporate their phonics knowledge. The curriculum also covers grammar and punctuation, teaching pupils to use spaces, capital letters, and the correct punctuation marks. They learn to spell words with prefixes and suffixes, and the days of the week. Composition tasks include creating party invitations, recipes, and thank-you letters, which help them apply their growing knowledge in practical contexts. Discussion and the use of grammatical terminology are integrated to deepen their understanding of language structure.