The Human Life Cycle - Presentation

Year 5
The Human Life Cycle - Presentation
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In a comprehensive presentation about the human life cycle, students are encouraged to explore the various stages and changes that occur throughout a person's life. The presentation begins by posing key questions aimed at prompting students to consider the physical and developmental changes that humans experience from birth. They are then introduced to a classical reference from Sophocles' play "Oedipus the King," featuring the riddle of the Sphinx. This riddle cleverly encapsulates the life cycle by describing the progression from crawling as an infant, walking upright in adulthood, to using a cane in old age. Students are asked to decipher the riddle and relate each part to the corresponding life stages.

The lesson progresses to an interactive activity where students create Human Life Stage Cards, identifying each life stage from baby to old age and noting the distinct physical and mental characteristics of each. The discussion delves deeper with a closer look at puberty, a significant transitional phase where children develop into adults, highlighting the differences in timing between boys and girls, and the hormonal changes that occur. Additionally, the presentation examines how aging affects various bodily functions, such as eyesight and bone density. Students learn about the importance of calcium in maintaining strong bones and the increased risk of fractures in older age. To solidify their understanding, they are tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation on bone-related diseases, such as arthritis and rickets, detailing their effects and treatments. The session concludes with a review where students list the life stages and describe characteristics of each, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of the human life cycle.