Seasonal Changes - Answers

Year 1
Seasonal Changes - Answers
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The summative assessment for Year One on the topic of Seasonal Change includes a variety of questions designed to test the pupils' understanding of the different seasons and the order in which they occur. The first question requires a numerical answer, which is '3'. The subsequent questions involve identifying specific seasons, such as 'Winter' for question 2 and 'Spring' for question 3. Question 4 challenges students to sequence the seasons correctly, starting with 'Summer' and progressing through 'Autumn', 'Winter', and concluding with 'Spring'. 'Autumn' is the answer to question 5, indicating a focus on recognising individual seasons and their characteristics.

Further into the assessment, students are asked to match various seasons to a list, with the correct order being 'Winter, Summer, Autumn, Spring, Spring' for question 7, and 'Summer, Winter, Spring, Autumn' for question 8. Question 9 asks for three seasons, and the correct answer is 'Winter, Spring, Autumn'. The assessment also includes questions that relate to weather patterns associated with different seasons, with 'D – Rainfall' being the correct answer for question 10, indicating a connection to a season known for precipitation. Lastly, question 11 is answered with 'B – Summer', suggesting a focus on the characteristics of the warmer season. The assessment is designed to ensure that students can identify and understand the cyclical pattern of the seasons and the typical weather conditions associated with each.