Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Review of 2D shapes

Year 6
Max Maths, Year 6, Learn together, Review of 2D shapes
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 6 mathematics lesson, students engage in a comprehensive review of two-dimensional (2D) shapes, revisiting the fundamental shapes and their distinct properties. The lesson begins by recalling the characteristics of a square, a classic 2D shape with four vertices (corners) and four straight sides of identical length, forming equal angles at each vertex. This foundational knowledge is crucial as students progress in their understanding of geometrical concepts.

The lesson continues with an exploration of other common 2D shapes. A rectangle, similar to a square, is identified by its four vertices and four straight sides, with the key distinction that only the opposite sides are equal in length. Students then shift their focus to a circle, which stands out as it has a single continuous curved side and no vertices. The properties of a triangle are noted next, with its three vertices and three sides. This is followed by the pentagon, a shape with five vertices and five sides, and the hexagon, which has six vertices and six sides. Lastly, the octagon is discussed, known for its eight vertices and eight sides. These descriptions provide students with a solid foundation for recognising and differentiating between various 2D shapes.

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