Computers & AI Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 1
Computers & AI Lesson Plan
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
AI generated

The VotesforSchools lesson plan for Primary 5-7 poses the thought-provoking question: Should computers ever think for themselves? This lesson encourages students to delve into the concept of autonomous thinking and its implications for both humans and computers. The learning objectives are twofold: firstly, to understand the nature of independent thought, and secondly, to explore the advantages and disadvantages of computers making decisions on our behalf. The lesson is structured to engage students through various interactive activities and discussions, providing support for learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and extending challenges for those ready to delve deeper.

The lesson commences with a quick review of the previous week's topic, followed by a starter activity where students ponder the essence of thought and share their insights in pairs. They are then introduced to the week's VoteTopic, which involves a discussion around the use of AI tools like ChatGPT for completing homework, leading to a broader conversation about the capabilities of computers. In the subsequent activity, students reflect on their own decision-making processes and compare them to how computers, exemplified by platforms like YouTube, can make choices for us. This is followed by a paired exercise where students evaluate various opinions related to the central question, determining their stance on the matter. The lesson concludes with a creative segment where students assess hypothetical future applications of computers, signalling their verdicts through gestures, and ultimately, the whole class participates in a vote to express their collective viewpoint on the topic.

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