Science & World Problems Lesson Presentation

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Resource Description
The "Science & World Problems" lesson presentation invites Primary 5-7 students to explore the role science plays in understanding and solving global issues. Initially, the presentation encourages children to discuss what science means to them, using visual aids to foster conversation and guesses, setting the stage for further discovery in the lesson. The presentation poses a thought-provoking question about whether science has the potential to resolve the world's problems, prompting students to consider this and cast their vote on the topic after the lesson.
Throughout the week's learning journey, students are guided through various stages, beginning with an introduction to the world of science and moving on to understand its significance. They discover how scientific advancements have greatly contributed to our knowledge, health, and environmental care. Interactive activities, such as ranking the importance of different scientific fields and evaluating recent discoveries, encourage students to actively engage with the material. The presentation also challenges students to consider the future implications of science, asking them to predict whether certain scientific headlines could become reality and to debate whether these advancements would solve or create more problems. The lesson culminates with a vote, where students weigh the argument that science alone may not be enough to address global challenges, highlighting the need for collective action and immediate solutions.