Cybersecurity Lesson Presentation

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Cybersecurity Lesson Presentation
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
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The educational content provided by VotesforSchools2021 is an engaging resource aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils, focusing on the importance of cybersecurity. The lesson begins with an interactive starter where students watch a video and reflect on questions about what they wish to protect online and what they already know about cybersecurity. The learning journey then takes them through various aspects of the topic, including understanding what cybersecurity means, the significance of their digital footprint, and the potential risks involved in online activities. The lesson plan is designed to make students aware of how their actions on the internet can leave a digital trail and the importance of protecting personal information from potential threats.

Throughout the week, students explore different scenarios where cybersecurity could be compromised, such as using the same password for multiple sites or encountering suspicious online activities. The content encourages critical thinking by asking students to identify which 'monsters'—such as viruses or phishing attempts—might be attacking their digital presence. Additionally, the lesson addresses the balance between the benefits and drawbacks of having a digital footprint, prompting discussions on the positive and negative aspects. Ultimately, the lesson culminates in a vote, where students express their views on the importance of cybersecurity, and these opinions are shared with organizations like IBM and the National Cyber Security Centre, emphasizing the real-world relevance of the topic.

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