Lets talk about....Discrimination Lesson Plan Ages 7-11

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Lets talk about....Discrimination Lesson Plan Ages 7-11
Votes For Schools
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The "My Body, My Choice" lesson plan, aimed at children aged 7-11, is a structured discussion about discrimination and the importance of celebrating individual differences. The lesson begins with a short, 3-6 minute starter activity where students consider their unique qualities and the positive aspects of diversity, either individually or in pairs. Following this, a brief 1-2 minute introduction sets out the question and objectives for the session, preparing the whole class for the topic at hand.

Over the next 5-7 minutes, the class revisits the concept of the Equalities Act and its protected characteristics, discussing how the treatment of people can evolve as we age. The core of the lesson, spanning 10-15 minutes, involves learners watching a video and examining case studies to explore their personal responses to discrimination and the desire to either stand out or fit in. This activity encourages empathy by asking students to consider the feelings of those affected by discrimination. In a 6-9 minute whole class discussion, learners brainstorm actionable steps to promote fairness and inclusivity, evaluating ideas from their peers. The lesson concludes with a 3-5 minute reflection on the key takeaways and an overview of resources, including books and TV suggestions, as well as helplines and websites for further support on the topic. The keywords and learning objectives underscore the necessity of respecting others' differences and ensuring safety through understanding and acceptance.

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