Let's Talk About... Rules & Restrictions Age 7-11 Presentation Lesson

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Let's Talk About... Rules & Restrictions Age 7-11 Presentation Lesson
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
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The VotesforSchools lesson titled "Let's Talk About... Rules & Restrictions" for ages 7-11 is an interactive presentation that encourages children to think critically about the role of rules and age restrictions in their lives. The lesson begins with a class activity where children identify and discuss the suitability of various apps for their age group. The aim is to understand why social media platforms, computer games, and online gaming have age restrictions and to discuss the impact of online content on mental and physical wellbeing. Key vocabulary such as 'restriction', 'regulation', and 'gaming' are introduced to support the learning objectives.

The lesson features a variety of discussions and activities that engage the students in considering the importance of rules. Students are prompted to discuss how life would differ without rules or laws and to explore the reasons behind age restrictions on films, TV shows, games, and apps. Group discussions and movement-based activities help students articulate their opinions on whether rules are necessary for safety or if they are restrictive and boring. They also consider the implications of not having age restrictions and the potential exposure to inappropriate content. The lesson concludes with creative exercises where students imagine making their own rules as Prime Minister, and a reflection on the necessity of rules and age restrictions for children's safety.

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